gets the smaller, less expensive Zenfone 3 Deluxe (ZS550KL) product page at last

With Asus just announcing this smaller, cheaper and quite different Zenfone 3 Deluxe (ZS550KL) in the US market this week, it was surprising not to see a detailed product page. We’ve been waiting on it and it’s here now!

Now you can get a good look at the specs, in full. We have previously written a comparison article between the ZS570KL vs. ZS550KL and the differences between them. Let’s just say it would be a shorter conversation to say what they have in common rather than what they do not have in common. Simply put, the ZS550KL is a much much different phone. It has lower specs and this should give you an idea why the price is quite a bit lower. Build quality beauty is not lost however.

There are however some features in the Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL and ZE520KL) that are missing and this Zenfone 3 Deluxe (ZS550KL) fills the gaps and provides pretty much all the features you need. NFC being one of them.

With this 5.5-inch Zenfone 3 Deluxe model, there are essentially three different versions in total. The price differences are quite substantial. The ZS550KL is priced at USD 399,  compared to the larger, more premium ZS570KL Deluxe which costs USD 499. Not to be outdone, the Deluxe Special Edition is USD 799 which has the fastest processor and most onboard storage.
