ASUS US online store now sold out (temporarily) of ZenFone 6 pre-orders

Update: We have breaking news here for the US/Canada market. First time ever seeing a US based retailer with IN STOCK units and shipping tomorrow (Aug 13). Full details here.

It came and it went. The long awaited pre-order phase for the ZenFone 6 in the United States is on hold at least for one retailer. The official ASUS US online store has now sold out of every ZenFone 6 model that was available less than two weeks ago.

First it was the Twilight Silver selling out. Not a big surprise given its unique and appealing visuals. The Twilight Silver has also been a more difficult color to manufacture for ASUS which hasn’t helped matters. Needless to say, if and when you get the chance to order one, don’t delay and be quick on that purchase!

So with the US ASUS online store temporarily out of stock, there is still one. There is one retailer in the US currently offering pre-orders on the Midnight Black models and we have those details here. This particular retailer has been a bit inconsistent on their messaging on a couple different fronts but over the years they are a trusted and strong ASUS retailer. Of course 3rd party options exists as well, but that’s different than dealing with a trusted big name retail brand.

First, the pre-order date was changed a couple of time leading up to the actual start date. Second, we’ve seen a couple different shipping dates (estimates) which have seemingly been removed at this point. Is the date buried on the page and we missed it? Or is the retailer struggling to get answers from ASUS? We tend to think the latter if we are being totally honest.

Then there is Amazon. We see a listing yes, but it’s not Amazon selling it. This is highly unusual as Amazon is typically the first to be selling ASUS phones and other products. The fact Amazon isn’t taking pre-orders is puzzling and a bit concerning. Most likely again it’s a matter of communication or lack thereof. It would make sense that Amazon wants certainty before putting up a listing and it’s likely ASUS cannot provide certainty at this point. Amazon is a retail giant and if you can’t supply them enough units then they are likely to hold off.

Certainly this is a double edged sword for ASUS. Nice to have high demand for a product but that means more units required which is something that isn’t a quick fix to deal with. I can see the sweat trickling down the brow of ASUS executives as they scramble. No doubt they want to keep people happy out there and with each passing day they are likely feeling more and more pressure. We certainly hope the dust settles soon and inventory catches up and other markets can get their pre-order opportunities as well.

Bought a ZenFone? Three things you must do right away. (part 2 of 3)

We like to keep things real around here. Yes, we cover the ZenFone series exclusively but that doesn’t mean we’re going to avoid certain subjects. It’s not worth sacrificing our credibility or steering people in the wrong direction in order to hide some negative experiences. All brands have issues and it’s certainly not just ASUS. Samsung Galaxy Fold anyone? Apple iPhone battery replacements? With that in mind, here is part two in our 3-part series of things you should do right away after buying a ZenFone.

Most retailers these days have excellent return policies that are customer friendly. When it comes to mobile phone, it’s common in North America to see a 15-day or even a 30-day return policy. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you potentially have a painless way out. This advice could also spare you that pesky yet common 15% restocking fee.


Maybe there is just something about your new ZenFone you dislike. Perhaps the phone is defective which can happen early-on with tech products regardless of brand.

To make the return process as seamless as possible, we strongly recommend you keep every single item that was included in the box. That includes all the plastic wrappers. Stick everything back in the box and keep it in a closet. If all goes well, you won’t need to dig it out for a long while.

You may be tempted to use the included ZenEar earbuds that come with the ZenFone 6 and other premium ZenFone models. If you already have earbuds or headphones, we recommend you leave those in the box in the original wrapper. Even if you’re tempted, leave them until you at least pass that 15-day or 30-day return window.

On a couple different occasions, keeping our retail boxes and all included pieces allowed us to simply bring back our defective ZenFone and walk out with a brand new replacement. We were able to avoid dealing with ASUS warranty which is a big win in our books. We felt a lot more confident walking up to the customer service desk with the complete contents and the positive outcome was incredibly satisfying.

Regardless if you need to return the phone to the retailer, keeping all the box contents makes it a much easier sell your used phone on places like Craigslist. Having the retail box and all the contents gives the impression of newness and care. You might even be able to use the phrase “lightly used” in your ad! Be assured you can get more money for your used phone and our personal experience confirms this. It works!

Perhaps this advice is just common sense. For many of us hopefully that’s true. Everyone wants to believe their phone isn’t defective or that it’s going to meet their every need but until you’ve made the purchase you simply don’t know for sure. Part three of this series is coming up soon!

Bought a ZenFone? Three things you must do right away (part 1 of 3)

We’ve written a few cautionary articles for those of you who have bought, or are planning to buy a new ZenFone. We’ve discussed what you need to do even before you order your phone and what you need to do even before you break the seal on that new ZenFone box. With fear of sounding like an overprotective parent, here is another cautionary article that could potentially spare you a combination of frustration, anger and regrets.

We are sharing our personal experience with using ZenFones over the years that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. We have experienced a lot of joy with our phones but there have been a variety of issues that have come up sometimes more than once.

In this 3-part series we are dealing with issues that require returns, repair or warranty. These situations will test your patience because repairs are expensive and warranty claims are generally a hassle. If you say the words “ASUS warranty” it may conjure up some rather frightening thoughts depending on who you listen to. Through some of our unfortunate ZenFone experiences, we’ve had to deal with multiple ASUS warranty claims. Regardless if it’s repair or warranty, you will be without your phone and that sucks. We will try to make this as painless as possible.

Our first and most important piece of advice will hopefully provide you some peace of mind:


Seems obvious right? Take photos of your receipt because it’s the most reliable option. Obviously keep the original, but sometimes original receipts fade over time, get thrown out or misplaced. Good lighting for your photo will help so the small print is clear and not fuzzy. Be sure that the photo captures the entire receipt and isn’t cut off. ASUS can be very picky about what information is shown or not shown on the photo and your claim may be denied. Ensure that the photos are backed up somewhere safely in the cloud. Can you say Google Photos?

Even better is taking a few different photos. The best option we found is to take a photo of the rear of the box that features all the information like serial number and IMEI number, alongside the retail receipt. Get both items together in the same photo and you’re going to thank us later should you need to call ASUS regarding a warranty.

Speaking of ASUS warranty, here is an ongoing issue. Warranty expiration. You can check your serial number online to see if you are within your warranty coverage period. For your ZenFone it’s usually 1-year warranty coverage. This online tool sounds great right? Well it’s not. The tool/data that ASUS relies upon is not reliable.

With this in mind, find your purchase date proof and then enter your serial number into the online tool to see if the dates match. Do this on your own first because ASUS customer service agents will use the same database information. If their system is wrong, it won’t matter. They will deny your claim until you provide proof of your purchase date. Call this testing your patience, part one.

Have no fear if you get told by ASUS that your warranty has expired. Remember that photo of the receipt and retail box? That’s going to easily and quickly prove that you are within your one-year warranty period. You can attach the photo to an email, send it to ASUS, and they will ultimately buckle. Regardless of what their unreliable system says, they must honour the warranty based on the date shown on the receipt. Do not edit the photo or block the price/cost of the phone or they won’t accept it.

Remember, don’t get mad on the phone at the ASUS customer service agent. The resolution should be quick and painless provided you’ve followed our advice.

Hopefully you can appreciate the advice we’ve shared and it spares you some of the frustration we’ve had to deal with in the past. Of course we hope nobody has issues or warranty claims with their ZenFone in the first place. Enjoy your phones everyone!

ASUS rolls out another ZenFone 6 software update

While most of the world sits around waiting for the opportunity to buy a ZenFone 6, ASUS continues to improve the phone through software updates. This new update is the second in July and brings with it a host of tweaks and improvements that hopefully we can appreciate at some point.

As with the earlier ZenFone 6 software update, there is a large focus (no pun intended) on camera improvements. Here is a breakdown of what’s improved with the camera:

  • camera rotation stability has been improved
  • EIS (electronic image stabilization) for video recording has been optimized
  • removed the evening color cast in supernight mode
  • fixed the flip mechanism on panorama mode
  • moved “retract camera” to first page at quick settings

Here is a breakdown of the other release notes:

  • Add Mobile Manager &  Cleanup Launcher Shortcut
  • General system & app stability improved
  • Increased touch sound on/off toggle
  • Optimized power consumption
  • Optimized Translation Strings
  • Improved Call Quality

It’s interesting to read “optimized power consumption”. If ASUS is able to squeeze more efficiency out of that big battery then we say bravo to them. It also makes us wonder to what extent they were able to improve it because if it’s meaningful, they should note the improvements in the release notes. It would be nice to know in real terms how improved it is. To list it in release notes, you would think they have data to back up the claim. Being specific about better battery life could lure potential buyers and benefit sales.

Here are the particulars of the update. It has rolled out to the ZenFone 6 models in the various regions of the world already.

Version: 16.1220.1906.167

Release Date: 2019/07/22

Generally when you connect to WiFi you should receive an automatic software update notification. If not you can always go into your settings and manually check for the update. To do that go into: settings > system > system updates.

These ZenFone 6 updates really are good news. Some of the software issues and shortcomings that most mobile phones deal with at launch can be ironed out before people get the phone in their hands for the first time. Yes it doesn’t make the wait less frustrating but it does mean the overall experience will be better thanks to these software updates rolling out.

[source: ASUS]

US finally gets a ZenFone 6 pre order date! [updated]

Update 3: Well finally something “official” from ASUS. They have just tweeted that the wait is just about over. In the same tweet, they link to a Forbes article that indicates a US launch of the ZenFone 6 by the end of the month. So now we have three different sources saying something similar. The release is most definitely happening soon, maybe in seven days or less!

Update 2: (July 26) Whelp, that didn’t last long. Another pre order date change and this time it’s not so great news:

Update: The pre order date has been changed. One day earlier! Now it’s 12am ET, Wed July 31.


There has been growing frustration expressed by those of you looking to buy a ZenFone 6. Adding to this frustration has been the lack of communication from ASUS regarding release dates in various markets. To this point, Europe is the main focus for ASUS and there has been decent availability up until this past week. Now it appears the US market has their pre order date, at least according to one US retailer.

Mark this on your calendar now! US pre orders for the ZenFone 6 start August 1st at 12am ET. That means July 31 is the date you want to be staying up until midnight to place a pre order. Miss this window and you risk waiting for the second batch of ZenFone 6 units to ship. Given the spotty availability that has been available in Europe, this risk isn’t worth taking if you can avoid it.

What we see so far is both Midnight Black and Twilight Silver in either 64GB or 128GB storage options, both with 6GB of RAM listed on B&H. If you’re hoping for a 256GB storage and or 8GB RAM configuration, it’s not happening initially. That said, it’s possible the ZenFone 6 Edition 30 with its 512GB storage and 12GB of RAM could be sold exclusively at the ASUS US online store. At this point we think it’s unlikely to see an 8GB model of the ZenFone 6 hitting the North American market. Perhaps when things settle down ASUS may consider it but they typically pigeon hole certain markets to a set number of configurations because they try to meet a pricing strategy that they believe a market will accept.

Prices you ask? Well we can only go with what information that was initially slipped for the US market and quite a lot of time has passed since then. However, at the official ZenFone 6 unveiling, the presenter did say the ZenFone 6 was NOT more expensive than the previous generation ZenFone 5z. With that, the 64GB model will be $499 USD and the 128GB model will be $579 USD. These are not officially announced prices by ASUS so they are indeed subject to change!

It’s important to note that the actual shipping date has not been announced by ASUS or anyone else for that matter. Given that we’re still two weeks away from August 1st, maybe there is a chance the shipping date moves up sooner and a ZenFone 6 can be in your hand by the end of July. Wishful thinking on our part, but let’s try to be optimistic! Would you blame ASUS if they went on the side of caution rather than promising a date they can’t fulfill?

We are relying on one retailer at this point and without official confirmation from ASUS. As a result, we recommend checking in with our website or sign up for our newsletter for updates or changes to the current information. We believe that places like Best Buy and Amazon will have listings up as the time draws closer. Certainly more than one retailer will provide us more confidence on the dates being listed so far.